Thursday 3 March 2011

'Salty meals can harm you in just 30 minutes'

'Eating salty meal can harm you in just 30 minutes' reads yesterday's (2/3/11) Daily Mail.

Wow!! We knew that eating too much salt could harm our arteries but that the effect could be felt so quickly I imagine no one had an idea! I suppose most people thought that they could get away with it for a long time before they'd be affected.

But what constitutes a 'salty meal'?

By 'salty meal' the researchers meant the amount of salt similar to that in a commonly eaten meal or about 4g. The guidelines in the UK recommend no more that 6g. per day but it's estimated that most people eat around 8.6g. per day!!

What's the effect on the arteries?

The researchers found that blood flow was 'significantly more impaired within 30 minutes of eating the salty meal than eating the low-salt alternative and the restriction reached a peak after an hour'.

Salty diets have been linked to high blood pressure and heart disease but also strokes, kidney disease, osteoporosis and stomach cancer. Isn't it amazing to think that we could probably avoid most of these terrible problems if we paid attention to out diet?

If you want to know what to eat to prevent problem like this to occur, please see this article on the Foods' Healing Power website.

Look forward to hearing from you.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Aurora,

    Enjoy the info on your website!

    I agree with you that normal "Table Salt" is a "Deadly Weapon" as it is:
    1) highly refined (now only contains Sodium & Chloride whilst the many trace elements have been removed by the processing caused by the "Must White" look.
    2) The ionisation of the salt has been destroyed by the application of excessive heat during the refinement process. Even the remaining two elements are nor electrically charged any more which means that the body has a much harder time to utilise them for building health
    3) As salt is hygroscopic (attracts water) flow factors in the form of a substance by the name of "sodium hexacyanoferrate" are usually added.
    The Material Safety Data Sheet ( for this substance states (amongst many other detrimental claims) the following: "May be metabolized to cyanide which in turn acts by inhibiting cytochrome oxidase impairing cellular respiration."

    As opposed to this, Himalayan Salt & Celtic Sea Salt (amongst others) are very healthy and - according to my research - MUST be consumed in order to ensure proper functioning of the osmotic barriers that every one of our body cells has so that they can absorb nutrition and expel metabolic cellular waste.
    These salts have the following characteristics"
    1) They have a "near complete" spectrum of mineral elements in accordance with the "periodic Table". These elements are found in almost identical proportion in healthy human blood!
    2) These minerals are Ionised and the electrical charges promote utilisation by the human body machinery to benefit ALL processes
    3) NO "Flow Factors" are present and needed. When these salts (chunks of 1 to 5 mm in diameter) are put into a "Grinding Salt Dispensor". In other words, no TOXIC factor has been added.

    I believe that "Non-Mainstream" research confirms that salt is absolutely essential for human health as a high level mineral supply is even more vital to the human body that vitamins.
    After all, these minerals act as the "GLUE" for the individual elements required for the proper construction/replication in the DNA helix so essential during cellular replacement processes.
    Lack of an adequate supply of minerals generates faulty & mutagenic cells and are a major contributing factor the prevalent degenerative diseases that plague modern humans.

    In my opinion, the diseases you list are caused by the common "Table Salt of DEATH" and certainly are NOT evident when the PROPER (healthy) salt is used.
