Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Four apples a day cut cholesterol away!

You might have come across this article on the Daily Mail:  How four apples a day can cut cholesterol by a quarter. I found it pretty amazing. I mean, I knew that apples were good for lowering cholesterol (see my article on Foods that help lower cholesterol), but this is another confirmation of the powerful healing power of apples. The researchers didn't quite expect these results, in fact they thought they were 'incredible'.

 Apart from lowering cholesterol those taking part in the trial also lost weight, despite the fact that they were adding 240 calories per day to their diet. An interesting side effect if you're keen to lose weight. This seems to have been attributed to the pectin, the type of fibre present in apples, which is also used in jam setting.       

 So if you need to lower your cholesterol, why don't you give apples a try? Munching on 4 or 5 apples a day is not that difficult. Perhaps you might share with us your results?


Thursday, 3 March 2011

'Salty meals can harm you in just 30 minutes'

'Eating salty meal can harm you in just 30 minutes' reads yesterday's (2/3/11) Daily Mail.

Wow!! We knew that eating too much salt could harm our arteries but that the effect could be felt so quickly I imagine no one had an idea! I suppose most people thought that they could get away with it for a long time before they'd be affected.

But what constitutes a 'salty meal'?

By 'salty meal' the researchers meant the amount of salt similar to that in a commonly eaten meal or about 4g. The guidelines in the UK recommend no more that 6g. per day but it's estimated that most people eat around 8.6g. per day!!

What's the effect on the arteries?

The researchers found that blood flow was 'significantly more impaired within 30 minutes of eating the salty meal than eating the low-salt alternative and the restriction reached a peak after an hour'.

Salty diets have been linked to high blood pressure and heart disease but also strokes, kidney disease, osteoporosis and stomach cancer. Isn't it amazing to think that we could probably avoid most of these terrible problems if we paid attention to out diet?

If you want to know what to eat to prevent problem like this to occur, please see this article on the Foods' Healing Power website.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

This is what I call 'mis'information!!

 For those of you who read the Daily Mail (Wed.23/2/11), how did you react to the article on p.9 ???

The main article was about Pesticides on fruit and veg 'are wrecking men's fertility' reporting that pesticides on fruit and vegetables "could be doing untold damage to male fertility, researcher suggests".

Then they explain how 37 crop chemicals tested interfered with the action of testosterone disrupting its activity.

Well, you might think, this is a VERY good reason to turn to organic produce, no doubt, as it should be fairly clean from pesticides and the likes.

Not so quick!

The editors in their wisdom decided that that would be too much of a clear message, so they decided to add a box which reads "Organic produce 'not as good for your health".

It comments on 'a controversial study from Which? Gardening' suggesting that produce grown using modern articifial methods 'may well be better for you' because it was found to have 'significantly higher levels of antioxidants than organically grown samples'.

What are ordinary people supposed to do? Can't eat ordinary fruit and veg if you don't want them to play havoc with your fertility, but you'd better not have organic vegetables either because they don't contain as many antioxidants as the ordinary types.

So what's left??? What are we supposed to eat??

I hate this kind of reports! No wonder people are confused, they don't know what to believe with all the contraddicting information thrown at them.

I wonder whether anybody else has come across other examples of these contraddictions, please feel free to share.


P.S. If  you want to know why organic produce is better for you I found this article by Heidi Boudro very well written - Reasons To Eat Organic Food